Reliance Starter is a program designed for the delayed start of any program with the possibility of passing command line parameters. A typical example of using this program is running a visualization project upon Windows startup. To start the project with a sufficient delay, a shortcut to Reliance Starter must be placed to the Windows "Startup" folder. This ensures the visualization project will run after the operating system is completely initialized. The program is configured using an INI file. The program (R_Start.exe) is part of the installation directory of Reliance 4.
Reliance Terminator is a program designed for correct termination of Reliance's runtime software. If the runtime software is run and then Reliance Terminator launched, the runtime software (including the visualization project) will be terminated correctly. A typical example of using this program is providing emergency power (UPS) to the computer on which the visualization project is running. The control program communicating with the UPS must be configured to run Reliance Terminator in the event of a power failure before the operating system is terminated. The program (R_Termin.exe) is part of the installation directory of Reliance 4.
Application Runner is a program designed for running any program or opening a document with a registered application with the possibility of passing command line parameters. The program is configured using an INI file. A typical example of using this program is running a project on multiple computers. Each computer equipped with the runtime software can have a different directory for the application to run. Then, you can just configure the INI file settings according to the path where the application is located. Therefore, it is not necessary to have different versions of the visualization project installed on the computers. The program (R_AppRun.exe) is part of the installation directory of Reliance 4.
RDT Editor is a program designed for viewing and editing files with an rdt extension. The RDT format is used for logging non-visual objects (e.g., devices, tags, alarms) to a visualization project. The program (R_DTEditor.exe) is part of the installation directory of Reliance 4.
Reliance 3 to 4 Project Converter is a program designed for converting visualization projects created with Reliance 3 to the format of Reliance 4. It is part of the installation directory of Reliance 4 (R_3to4.exe). For more information on upgrading visualization projects from Reliance 3 to Reliance 4, read the article titled Upgrade to Reliance 4.
When working with large monitoring and control systems, you may have encountered a situation wherein multiple LAN/WAN-interconnected control PCs are simultaneously operated and it is necessary to update the visualization project on all of these computers at the same time. How can this be solved if there is a considerable distance between the control PCs? Updating the project on every single computer is lengthy and exhausting. In this case, it is worth using Reliance Remote Control Center.
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