Winners of the Reliance Success Story Awards 2012

We bring you the results of the third annual Reliance Success Story Awards competition which took place from January 1 to June 30, 2012.

In total, there were six installations participating in the competition. Four of them were carried out in the Czech Republic while the other two were realized abroad (Australia and Slovakia). After the deadline, the members of the Reliance Team reviewed in detail all the installations and chose the most interesting descriptions.

Evaluation criteria

  • Field of application
  • Benefit to end users
  • Installation range (number of data points, number of licenses)
  • Graphic design
  • Image documentation included with the description (screenshots, photographs of control rooms, production plants, production lines, etc.)
  • Data connection with other information systems used by customers (ERP, MES, CRM, etc.)
  • Use of thin clients

The competition winners

And now for the results! In the end, four applications stepped on the imaginary podium as two success stories finished third with the same number of points from the jury.

1st placeParks at the City of Mandurah, Western Australia
Name: Visualization and control of an irrigation control system for the Mandurah suburb in Perth, Western Australia
Author: Henk de Graaf (Industrial Automation Group Pty Ltd.)
Prize: 1x Reliance Design Enterprise license with an unlimited number of data points, a bottle of red wine, bonus gifts from the Reliance Team

2nd placeRailway Infrastructure Administration, state-owned company
Name: Visualization and control of the railroad electrical substations in the regions of Pilsen and Budweis
Author: Jiri Engelthaler (ZAT a.s.)
Prize: 1x Reliance Design Enterprise license with 8,000 data points, a bottle of red wine, bonus gifts from the Reliance Team

3rd placeAU Optronics (Slovakia) s.r.o.
Name: Visualization and control of the technical installations and energy consumption at the AU Optronics plant in Trencin, Slovakia
Author: Petr Podmele (BUILDSYS, a.s.)
Prize: 1x Reliance Design Enterprise license with 5,000 data points, a bottle of red wine, bonus gifts from the Reliance Team

3rd placeCentral Heating Plant Mimon
Name: Visualization and control of steam boilers and the main exchange station at the central heating plant in Mimon
Author: Pavel Bar (LAMAL, s.r.o.)
Prize: 1x Reliance Design Enterprise license with 5,000 data points, a bottle of red wine, bonus gifts from the Reliance Team

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all the participants! The winning success stories have already been placed on the Reliance website. The other ones will be published within a few weeks.

Reliance Team

Reliance Competition