Important changes in Reliance 4.2.1

2011 | Reliance SCADA

Changes in language localization and the installation program

Previous versions of Reliance 4 had standalone installation programs for the Czech and English versions. The language of the development environment and some other programs could not be changed without re-installing Reliance 4. Beginning with the version 4.2.1, the installation program is common to both language versions. The desired language can be chosen at the beginning of the setup process. The language can later be switched right from the program if needed. Language settings are stored in configuration files.

Selecting the program language

Selecting the program language

All modules

  • added support for the "UTF8String", "WideString (UCS-2)", "Array of UTF8String" and "Array of WideString (UCS-2)" data types; tags of these types can be used to store characters of all existing alphabets

Reliance Design development environment

  • Device Manager: added possibility to define internal tags of type "UTF8String", "WideString (UCS-2)", "Array of UTF8String" and "Array of WideString (UCS-2)" in all device types
  • Device Manager: added automatically creating an OPC group when a new OPC device is defined
  • Importing tags from an OPC server: added support for the "LargeInt (64 b)" and "Array of LargeInt (64 b)" data types
  • Recipe Manager: added possibility to specify a tag for editing the value of a recipe item (the "Use different tags for editing recipe" property of a recipe type and the "Editing tag" property of a recipe item)
  • Recipe Manager: added properties for a recipe type to configure loading a recipe for editing, saving and deleting a recipe controlled by a tag
  • Script Manager: added the RSys.RestartProject method which terminates the project and starts it again using the settings defined for a specified computer (suitable e.g. for restarting the project and using a standby configuration)
  • Script Manager: added the RTag.MoveTagValueToArrayTag method which copies the value of a simple-type tag to an array-type tag
  • Script Manager: added the RTag.MoveTagElementValuesToSimpleTag method which copies the value of an array-type tag or its part to a simple-type tag
  • Real-Time Trend Manager: added the "Automatic time axis" property for a trend
  • Real-Time Trend Manager: added properties for a trend to configure deleting chart data by a tag
  • Window Manager: added the "Perform Diagnostics for All Windows" command

Reliance View, Reliance Control, Reliance Control Server

  • Report Viewer: added possibility to sort nodes in the navigation tree view
  • Recipe Editor: revised the user interface (recipe types and their folders displayed in a tree view on the left, a list of recipes of the selected recipe type in the middle, a list of recipe items of the selected recipe on the right)
  • Recipe Editor: added possibility to edit recipe item values
  • Project Manager: added displaying the quality and time stamp for structured tags
  • Project Manager: added commands for turning on/off detailed logging for selected objects

Reliance Server, Reliance Control Server

  • Server Web pages: added possibility to log off
  • Server Web pages: added support for opening a secure connection (SSL)
  • Server Web pages: added server usage statistics

Web Client

  • Components that paint text: activated antialiasing
  • Trend Viewer: added the Auto-scroll option (if active, the trend viewer automatically scrolls to display the latest data)
  • Added a standalone window to display the alarm/event explanation

Mobile Client

  • Improved the behavior of the "Enter Value for Tag" dialog with numeric tags

Communication drivers

  • Sauter: added reading controlled by a tag
  • Sauter: added setting the system time

To view the complete list of changes, click here.
