News of 2010

Arrow Software

Arrow Success stories

Arrow Other


October 8, 2010Reliance, version 4.1.5, Update 2
Reliance, version 4.1.5, Update 2, has been released. You can download the latest version of the Reliance system from the Download Section.

September 2, 2010Reliance, version 4.1.5, Update 1
Reliance, version 4.1.5, Update 1, has been released. You can download the latest version of the Reliance system from the Download Section.

August 2, 2010Reliance 4.1.5
Reliance, version 4.1.5, has been released. You can download the latest version of the Reliance system from the Download Section.

June 16, 2010License Key Utility, version 2.0.4
License Key Utility, version 2.0.4, has been released. You can download the latest version from the Download Section.

June 16, 2010Reliance 4.1.4, Update 2
Reliance, version 4.1.4, Update 2, has been released. You can download the latest version of the Reliance system from the Download Section.

April 30, 2010Reliance 4.1.4, Update 1
Reliance, version 4.1.4, Update 1, has been released. You can download the latest version of the Reliance system from the Download Section.

April 12, 2010Reliance 4.1.4
Reliance, version 4.1.4, has been released. You can download the latest version of the Reliance system from the Download Section.

March 2, 2010HASP HW Key Driver
HASP HW Key Driver, version 5.86, available for download from the Members section.

Success stories

March 5, 2010Luxury family house in Bratislava, Slovakia
A new installation description, Complete control system and visualization of a luxury family house in Bratislava, Slovakia, has been added to the Success Stories section.


December 15, 2010Christmas with a special offer
On the occasion of the upcoming Christmas, we would like to offer you a 50% Christmas discount of our Reliance 4 software license.

August 4, 2010Reliance Success Story Awards 2009 – the prize-giving ceremony
The prize-giving ceremony for the winners of the Reliance Success Story 2009 Competition was held on 20th of July, 2010 in the GEOVAP company headquarters.

June 2, 2010Winners of the best Reliance success story competition for 2009
We are bringing you the final results of the best Reliance success story competition. After a detailed study of all registered descriptions, the competition was finally evaluated last week. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all participants.

May 11, 2010Reliance has a new distributor for Australian market
Industrial Automation Group Pty Ltd, an Australian company from Perth, became a distributor of Reliance for the Australian market.

March 1, 2010The best Reliance success story competition was finished
The best Reliance success story competition was finished. Reliance Team thanks to all participants. Winners will be announced within a few days.