GEOVAP's project AVE (automatic data remote reading system from wholesale customers in gas manufacture for RWE Group) has been awarded the prestigious Microsoft Industry Award. AVE project is Microsoft Industry Awards Winner 2008 in category "The Best Solution In Industrial Production". GEOVAP company has joined among the best Microsoft partners, which develop own solutions on Microsoft platform. We appreciate this award very much and we are glad this success in this competition signalize quality of our solution.
AVE system is designed for reading data from devices and dataloggers. System has been developed since 1998 in cooperation with gas-companies. Therefore the system has to be best answer for company's requests. System is in everyday use not only by RWE Group (third largest European energy company from Germany), but also by other companies all over the Czech Republic. AVE system improves getting of data and makes it faster in order to reduce costs, so customer can increase quality of services offered to end users.
System architecture is designed in way to use it on one machine or within the scope of LAN networks as well as WAN networks among more companies. Whole system is based on 32/64 bit multi-process architecture designed for Windows Vista and Windows XP.
Group photo made during ceremony in Microsoft branch in Prague