If you already have Reliance 3 installed on your computer and you wish to update it, you can just download the latest version of the program files from the Members section and replace the existing files.
1. Downloading the file containing the installation program:
To download the file, click the respective button in the table. Then follow the instructions described in the Download Form that appears next. To download the file, you will need about 56 MB of free space on your hard disk.
2. Unpacking the file containing the installation program:
Unpack the contents of the file (a zip archive) to any folder. To do that, you will need about 57 MB of additional free space on your hard disk. After unpacking, you can delete the downloaded file (relisetupxxx.zip).
3. Running the installation program:
To install Reliance, you will need at least 55 MB of free space on your hard disk. Run the "Setup.exe" program from the folder containing the unpacked files and complete the installation process.
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