Cannot open Reliance project databases when multiple Reliance modules are running at the same time (e.g., Reliance Design and Reliance Runtime)

This problem occurs most frequently when starting a project from Reliance Design. Reliance Design launches the runtime software (Reliance Runtime, Reliance Server, or Reliance Runtime Server) and passes information about the project being started. The runtime software attempts to open the project. Opening the project fails since the BDE (Borland Database Engine) used by Reliance to access the databases does not have enough memory to perform the operation. The amount of memory available to the BDE can be configured through BDE Administrator (program "bdeadmin.exe" in the "BDE" folder). The "BDE" folder is usually located under the Reliance installation target directory.

Exit all running Reliance modules and run BDE Administrator. On the "Configuration" tab, select "INIT" (Configuration > System > INIT). In the right-hand pane on the "Definition" tab, a list of parameters is displayed. Configure the values for the "MEMSIZE" and "SHAREDMEMSIZE" parameters as follows:



Finally, apply the changes (Object > Apply).

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