How to connect a device to Reliance via an OPC server

OPC is an open standard that enables client applications to communicate with HW devices in a unified way. The communication is based on a client/server architecture. An OPC server provides the communication with a HW device and represents a data source for OPC clients (e.g. Reliance).

To connect a device to Reliance via an OPC server, please follow these steps:

  • Obtain and install an OPC server. OPC servers are usually provided by HW device manufacturers or specialized third-party companies. It is also possible to download various OPC software from OPC Foundation.

  • Run the OPC server, create and register the so-called configuration. A configuration includes a list of devices along with communication options and a list of variables (the so-called OPC items) whose values are to be read from the devices. This configuration must be saved and registered in order to be available after starting up the OPC server.

  • Note: The way of creating, saving and registering a configuration is OPC server-specific.

    How to connect a device to Reliance via an OPC server

  • In a visualization project, add a new device of type OPC via the Device Manager (Reliance Design | Device Manager). For the OPC device, configure the "OPC server Prog ID" property by selecting the respective OPC server from the list of installed OPC servers.

  • How to connect a device to Reliance via an OPC server

  • Select the "Variables" folder under the OPC device and add a new OPC group by choosing the "New OPC group" command from the pop-up menu. Select the new OPC group and choose the "Import from OPC server" command. This will bring up the "Import variables from OPC server" dialog populated with the OPC server configuration.

  • How to connect a device to Reliance via an OPC server

    In the "Import variables from OPC server" dialog, drag and drop selected OPC items to the bottom pane.

    How to connect a device to Reliance via an OPC server

  • Connect the OPC device to a computer via the Project Structure Manager (Reliance Design | Project Structure Manager) by adding a link to the device to the "Devices" folder under the computer.

  • Run the project by choosing the "Start" command (Reliance Design | Runtime | Start). While starting the project, the runtime software should launch the OPC server and begin to communicate with it.

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