Problem with launching Reliance 4 Web Client using Java Web Start

If the error message "Unable to launch the application." with its detailed information message "Unable to load resource:…" appears when launching Reliance 4 Web Client, the server address is not accessible. The address is entered in the Reliance Design development environment through the Export Project for Remote Users Wizard. This address should be accessible to the computer on which the Web client is running.

Reliance 4 Web Client – Error message "Unable to launch the application."

Reliance 4 Web Client – Error message "Unable to launch the application."

Note: If the Web client is running as an applet, this problem does not occur even if an incorrect address has been entered. The reason is the applet is running in the context of a Web browser and the address of the Web page in which the applet is embedded is used to connect to the data server.

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