The easiest way to create a shortcut is to use the "Create Shortcut" command (Reliance Design > Project > Create Shortcut). Specify the shortcut name, choose the runtime software (Reliance Runtime, Reliance Server, or Reliance Runtime Server) to run the project, and select a computer (defined via the Project Structure Manager) corresponding to the actual computer on which the shortcut is being created.
To create a shortcut manually, use the following syntax:
is the full path to the runtime software (e.g., C:\Reliance3\Reli_rt.exe),
is the full path to the project's main file (e.g., C:\Reliance3\Projects\Tannery\Tannery.prj),
is the name of the computer defined via the Project Structure Manager (e.g., CommServer1).
C:\Reliance3\Reli_rt.exe "C:\Reliance3\Projects\Tannery\Tannery.prj" "CommServer1"
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