Visualization and control of the treatment process at the wastewater treatment plant in the Polish village of Wola Dalsza

January 15, 2025 | Reliance SCADA

Located in the Polish village of Wola Dalsza near the town of Łańcut, the treatment plant has been in operation since 1996. It is designed to treat wastewater from Łańcut and the surrounding area.

Thanks to EU subsidies, the plant's technical equipment could be modernized in 2013. The modernization included a new control system (control cabinets, measuring devices, network and computer devices, software), which was implemented by CONTROL-MAX and ELEKTROSKAN.

Control system

The core control system consists of Modicon M340 controllers and the Reliance SCADA/HMI system. The control system's other PLCs are Modicon M221 (sludge thickening), Siemens SIMATIC S7-300 (hydrolysis, sludge drying), and FATEK FBs (sludge dewatering).

In 2024, the control system was expanded by adding Kaeser SIGMA CONTROL controllers (blowers).

All devices communicate via Modbus TCP.

Reliance SCADA in its dual-monitor setup is used by operating personnel to supervise all the devices and processes, including alarms, control commands, measurement results, real-time and historical trends, quantity and weather reports, a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), and energy demand control.

The water treatment process is continuously analyzed, so the treatment result is satisfactory, and the water returned to the river Wisłok is clean.

The controllers and the Reliance SCADA system need to be updated when necessary.

Examples of visualization windows

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Reliance success story – water and wastewater

WTP Wola Dalsza
