Visualization and control of the HVAC system at the premises of Nachod Regional Hospital

A system for the control and monitoring of HVAC in some existing or new hospital areas was installed at Nachod Regional Hospital. The system is also used to control and monitor the steam generator (4 MWh).

The primary source of heat is steam from the steam system. Heat is acquired from the steam through the steam generator. It is then distributed to separate parts of the central heating system and to heat exchangers (water/air) in the air-conditioning circuits. The source of cold is a central cooling unit. During the summer months, this unit provides the exchangers (water/air) with cold water. To control all the processes involved, Sauter PLCs are used. They are interconnected with the main control room's PC that allows the operating personnel to have a complete overview of the entire system, backs up all necessary data for a subsequent analysis (charts, errors, commands, etc.), or allows the control systems to communicate with one another. It also allows the entire system to be controlled from one place. Data between the PLCs and the control room's PC is transferred via the RS485 bus. This bus is operated using metallic cables.

The HVAC system is controlled and monitored by 7 Sauter EY2400 PLCs installed within the hospital premises. The visualization application is made with the Reliance 3 SCADA/HMI system. The processes can be monitored and controlled from two or more PCs integrated into the LAN. This network allows for displaying the visualization application and processing measured data from any computer within the network. In total, about 1,000 signals are transmitted (temperatures, pressures, states, error signals, time programs' parameters, heating curves' parameters, etc.).

In addition to the HVAC system, humidity and overpressure in the Surgery pavilion are controlled so that they meet the hospital hygiene standards.

Examples of visualization windows

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Reliance success story - HVAC system

Nachod Regional Hospital
