AMiT Communication Driver

AMiT Communication Driver is intended for data connection between Reliance's runtime software and control systems manufactured by the AMiT company.

AMiT devices can be connected to a PC in the following ways

  • DOKOPO communication card
  • COM port
  • Modem
  • Ethernet (UDP protocol)

Reliance supports reading and writing the following tag types

  • Bool
  • Integer (16 bits, integer with a sign)
  • LongInt (32 bits, integer with a sign)
  • Float (32 bits, number with a floating point, single precision)
  • Integer matrix
  • LongInt matrix
  • Float matrix

In the Reliance project, these data types correspond to the matrices

  • Array of Integer
  • Array of LongInt
  • Array of Float

The driver converts the matrices into one-dimensional arrays so that the row index increases before the column index. This means that, for example, a matrix named "M" 2 by 2 elements is converted into a four-element array as follows: M(1,1); M(2,1); M(1,2); M(2,2), where the first index indicates the row while the second indicates the column of the matrix element.

AMiT control systems

AMiT control systems

Starting up the driver

The communication driver is a DLL loaded into memory by the Reliance 4 Driver Server program, which can be launched either as a Windows service at Windows startup or as a standard application at the start of a visualization project. Information required to make a connection with devices is read from the visualization project. After reading this information, communication to all connected devices is activated.

SW requirements

For communication, the driver uses an ActiveX control (the AtouchApp object) that is part of AMiT's AtouchX object library. First, it is necessary to install this library so the driver works properly. The AtouchX library installer is available in the directory Drivers\AMiT\AtouchX\ on the Reliance installation CD and in the directory <Reliance>\SupportFiles\Drivers\AMiT\ (<Reliance> is a directory where the Reliance software is installed).

For information about the price, please contact your local distributor.

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