Allen-Bradley Communication Driver

Allen-Bradley Communication Driver is intended for data connection between Reliance's runtime software and Allen-Bradley control systems.

Allen-Bradley programmable logic controllers use various communication protocols. The protocols you will find below are supported by the Reliance SCADA/HMI system.

1. DF1 (SLC)

  • RS232 interface
  • In Reliance SCADA, full-duplex mode is implemented

Allen-Bradley SLC 500

Allen-Bradley SLC 500

2. EtherNet/IP (MicroLogix, 1761-NET-ENI)

  • Ethernet interface
  • Technologically, it is the DF1 protocol encapsulated in the data part of the EtherNet/IP protocol
Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1100

Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1100

3. EtherNet/IP (Micro800)

  • Ethernet interface
  • Tag import from Connected Component Workbench
Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 820

Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 820

4. EtherNet/IP (CompactLogix, ControlLogix)

  • Ethernet interface
  • Tag and data structure import from Studio 5000 Logix Designer
Allen-Bradley CompactLogix L32E

Allen-Bradley CompactLogix L32E

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