Licensing of Reliance 3

In order to be fully functional, each of the software modules making up Reliance requires a license. The license is stored in the hardware key plugged into the computer's parallel or USB port. If the development environment or the runtime software is run without a hardware key (or the license is not found in the key), it acts as the so-called Lite version, which is limited to 25 data points but has no time limit. The Lite version is intended to be used only for the purpose of testing and evaluation.

  • The Lite version of the development environment includes all the features of the Desktop version.
  • The Lite version of Reliance Runtime includes all the features of the Control version.
  • The Lite version of Reliance Server and Reliance Runtime Server can be used as a data server for 1 Web client only. Other features are not limited.
  • The Lite version of the runtime software cannot be used as the runtime environment for a real application at the end-user site and it is protected against such usage.

The license for Web clients is stored in the hardware key purchased for the data server (Reliance Server or Reliance Runtime Server) and determines the maximum number of clients that can concurrently be connected to the data server. The total price of the license can be calculated as a product of the maximum number of clients and the price of the license for one client. The Web client is not limited as for the number of data points and the price of the license for one client is constant. The license for Web clients should be ordered along with the license for the data server.

The license for communication drivers is stored in the hardware key purchased for the runtime software. The price of the license differs based on the type of device for which the driver is designed but does not depend on the number of data points. The license for communication drivers should be ordered along with the license for the runtime software.

A hardware key purchased for Reliance Design Desktop also contains the license for Reliance Runtime Control, with the same number of data points. The runtime license is intended to be used only for the purpose of testing and debugging applications by the Systems Integrator. It cannot be used for the runtime software running permanently at the end-user site.

A hardware key purchased for Reliance Design Enterprise also contains the license for Reliance Runtime Control, Reliance Server and Reliance Runtime Server, with the same number of data points, and the license for 3 Web clients. The runtime license is intended to be used only for the purpose of testing and debugging applications by the Systems Integrator. It cannot be used for the runtime software running permanently at the end-user site.

Data Points

The size of a visualization project is one of the main factors affecting the price of the licenses needed for the development environment and the runtime software. The size is determined by the number of data points, which depends on the number and data type of variables defined in the project:

  • Each variable of a simple data type (e.g. Bool, Byte, Word, String) uses one data point.
  • Each array-type variable uses one or more data points. If the array's element count is less than or equal to five, the variable uses one data point. Otherwise, the number of data points is equal to the element count divided by five (the result is rounded in the direction of zero to the nearest integer).

    A 2 element array-type variable uses one data point.
    A 9 element array-type variable uses one data point.
    A 100 element array-type variable uses 20 data points.
  • One variable of type IRC* does not use any data points; every additional IRC-type variable uses 1000 data points.
  • Variables defined within the System device (private internal variables) do not use any data points.

The number of data points does not depend on the number of visualization windows, number and type of used components, etc.

The license for the development environment and the runtime software needed for a visualization project may differ as for the number of data points (in some cases, the runtime software does not use all variables defined in a project). To view the number of data points used in a project, open the project in the development environment and choose the "Project" | "Information..." command.

Upgrading a Hardware Key

A purchased hardware key can later be upgraded. Thus, it is possible to additionally increase the number of data points, increase the number of Web clients, extend the functionality of the licensed module (e.g. upgrading the version of Reliance Design from Desktop to Enterprise or upgrading the version of Reliance Runtime from View to Control), change the type of licensed module (e.g. upgrading from Reliance Runtime to Reliance Runtime Server), or add a license for additional modules (e.g. communication drivers). The price of upgrading a hardware key is determined as the difference between the price of the new and the original license.


IRC = Individual Room Control. Variable of type IRC can be defined within devices of type Tecoreg. IRC-type variables are intended for reading/writing data from/to room control modules manufactured by Teco. Each IRC-type variable corresponds to one communication module TR101, which can serve up to 32 room control modules (TR111, TR112, TR141).

Reliance 3 Box