Reliance Success Story Awards 2022

January 10, 2022 | Reliance SCADA

The Reliance Team is very much pleased to announce the 12th edition of the Reliance Success Story Awards competition.

Official rules

  • The competition is running from now until Friday, September 30, 2022.
  • To take part in the competition, it is necessary to complete this application form and send it to (subject: Success Story Competition).
  • This is the only possible way of registering your success story; if a contribution has not been received by the closing date (Friday, September 30, 2022), your entry will be withdrawn.
  • The number of registered success stories is not limited – the more stories registered, the better chance of winning you have.
  • Any installations implemented before the start of the competition can be registered.
  • After the closing date, valid success stories will be evaluated by the entire Reliance SCADA/HMI team. Subsequently, the three most interesting stories will be announced and rewarded.
  • Each success story will be published shortly after its registration.

Evaluation criteria

  • Field of application
  • Benefit to end users
  • Installation range (the number of data points and licenses)
  • Implementation description
  • Graphic design
  • Image documentation included with the description (screenshots or pictures taken in control rooms or places of installation)
  • Data connection with other information systems used by customers (ERP, MES, CRM, etc.)

Prizes for the three most interesting success stories

First prize 1 x Reliance Design Enterprise license with an unlimited number of data points and a box of gifts with the Reliance logo

Second prize 1 x Reliance Design Enterprise license with 8,000 data points and a box of gifts with the Reliance logo

Third prize 1 x Reliance Design Enterprise license with 5,000 data points and a box of gifts with the Reliance logo

Last year's competition

Nine interesting Reliance SCADA installations (implemented in four countries) by ten systems integrators took part in the eleventh annual competition. Check out its results.

Reliance Competition