The Reliance 3 SCADA/HMI system consists of the following software modules:
Development Environment
The development environment, Reliance Design, is a program intended for creating visualization projects. It is available in two versions, Desktop and Enterprise.
The Desktop version lets you create applications of type "1 computer – any number of devices". A device is a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) or another similar industrial automation/control device. The Desktop version does not enable you to develop network and Web applications. Thus, the resulting visualization project only allows communications between a single computer and any number of devices.
The Enterprise version incorporates all the features of the Desktop version. In addition, it empowers you to develop network and Web applications for any number of computers with "view-only" and/or "full control" access.
For more information view a detailed list of Features & Benefits of Reliance 3. The size of the application you can create in the development environment is only limited by the number of data points defined by the license. You can also view screenshots of the development environment.
Runtime Software
Reliance's runtime software is a program designed to run a visualization project on the end user's computer. Among others, it allows acquisition of data from communication drivers (native drivers, OPC and DDE servers), acquisition of data and alarms from other instances of the runtime software, generating and processing alarms, logging data and alarms, and providing other instances of the runtime software with data and alarms. These and some more features are common to all runtime software types (Reliance Runtime View, Reliance Runtime Control, Reliance Server, and Reliance Runtime Server). In addition, each of the runtime software types has some extra features.
Reliance Runtime View
The Runtime View version does not enable you to control the visualized industrial process. It is intended for computers with "view-only" access, e.g., at workplaces of managers who need to view historical trends of process variables and the current status of the process but have no need to control it.
Reliance Runtime Control
The Runtime Control version lets you control the visualized industrial process and executes commands received from client instances of the runtime software. It is intended for computers with "full control" access. However, "full control" access can be limited on a per-user basis.
Reliance Server
In addition to the common features of all runtime software types, Reliance Server is a data server for Web clients. It provides the Web clients with data and alarms, and executes commands received from the Web clients. It cannot display visualization windows. Therefore, Reliance Server is used as a non-visual data concentrator and a data server for client instances of the runtime software and Web clients. It is especially suitable for unmanned computers.
Reliance Runtime Server
In addition to the common features of all runtime software types, Reliance Runtime Server includes all the features of Reliance Runtime Control and Reliance Server. It is intended for computers with enough performance to simultaneously handle the operator's requests and requests from client instances of the runtime software and Web clients.
For more information view a detailed list of Features & Benefits of Reliance 3. The size of the application you can create in the development environment is only limited by the number of data points defined by the license. You can also view screenshots of the runtime software.
Web Client
The Web client, Reliance J, is a program (the so-called applet) written in the Java programming language designed to run a visualization project inside a Web browser (e.g., Microsoft Internet Explorer). In order to be operational, the Web client needs to be connected to a data server (Reliance Server or Reliance Runtime Server) running on a Web server. The Web client is a thin client - it only has some of the features of the runtime software. It allows displaying visualization windows with real-time data, controlling the visualized industrial process, displaying and acknowledging current alarms, displaying historical alarms, displaying historical data as historical trends of any single variable including a simple tabular representation of the data, and more.
For more information view a detailed list of Features & Benefits of Reliance 3. You can also view screenshots of Reliance J.
Communication Drivers
A communication driver is a program designed to provide communication with a hardware device. If the device is a PLC or another similar industrial automation/control device then the driver provides transmission of process data from the device to the runtime software and transmission of commands from the runtime software to the device. Communication drivers for some devices are part of Reliance (the so-called native communication drivers). These drivers require a license. The price of the license differs based on the type of device for which the driver is designed. In addition, Reliance can communicate to any device for which an OPC or DDE server is available (Reliance is an OPC and DDE client).
View a list of the devices for which native communication drivers are available.