WideString and UTF8String tag data types

July 25, 2011

From version 4.2.1

The Reliance system supports the WideString and UTF8String tag data types. They are string tags which contain characters of the Unicode character set. The only difference between them is how they are stored in memory. WideString is stored in the UCS-2 encoding (each character represented by two bytes), whereas UTF8String in the UTF-8 encoding. Tags of such types can be used in virtual devices, in the System device, or as internal tags in physical devices. Also, corresponding tags of type Array of WideString and Array of UTF8String are available.

Device Manager: WideString and UTF8String tag data types

Device Manager: WideString and UTF8String tag data types

The WideString and UTF8String data types can be used when the characters of the basic and extended character set are not sufficient enough for use.

Example of using the UTF8String tag in a Display component

Example of using the UTF8String tag in a Display component

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