Here you can find all the manuals supplied along with the Reliance 4 SCADA/HMI system. To view the detailed description of a manual, please click on its name. To download the manual, click on the Download button next to it.
All manuals and guides below are a standard part of the Reliance 4 installation package.
Complete Archive
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The ZIP archive contains all help and documentation files shipped with the Reliance 4 SCADA/HMI system. Unpack the archive contents to the folder where you have installed Reliance 4. |
93 MB |
English Version
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A short tutorial designed for new users of Reliance 4. The user is introduced to the steps required to create a simple visualization project in the development environment - Reliance 4 Design. |
A short tutorial that describes how to activate a license for Reliance 4. The activation is required only if your license is stored in a software key. |
The reference guide for the Reliance 4 Design development environment. |
The user's guide for the runtime software (mainly Reliance 4 View, Reliance 4 Control and Reliance 4 Control Server). |
A manual that describes how to configure and run Reliance's data servers (Reliance 4 Control Server and Reliance 4 Server). The document also includes the detailed description of the Web pages provided by a built-in Web server. |
The reference guide for Reliance 4 Web Client which is based on the Java platform. The document describes how to run and work with Reliance 4 Web Client. |
The reference guide for Reliance 4 Mobile Client which is designed for Windows CE (Windows CE, Windows Mobile, etc.). The document describes the installation and the user interface of Reliance 4 Mobile Client. |
The reference guide for VBScript language and Reliance objects used to access elements of a visualization project from scripts. |
A short tutorial that shows how to connect to an OPC server from a Reliance project. The document describes the process of creating a new project with an OPC device and importing tags from an OPC server. |
A document describes various methods of data exchange between a Reliance project and an external application (CSV, SQL, DDE, COM, OPC, External Communicator, Web service). |
Manual describing options for the use of the Reliance system in Building Automation. |
Reliance OPC Server manual. |
The manual for License Key Utility, which is designed for acquiring detailed information on licenses stored in a license key, generating registration files, and upgrading license keys. |
Russian Version
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A short tutorial designed for new users of Reliance 4. The user is introduced to the steps required to create a simple visualization project in the development environment - Reliance 4 Design. |
A short tutorial that describes how to activate a license for Reliance 4. The activation is required only if your license is stored in a software key. |
The user's guide for the runtime software (mainly Reliance 4 View, Reliance 4 Control and Reliance 4 Control Server). |
A manual that describes how to configure and run Reliance's data servers (Reliance 4 Control Server and Reliance 4 Server). The document also includes the detailed description of the Web pages provided by a built-in Web server. |
A document describes various methods of data exchange between a Reliance project and an external application (CSV, SQL, DDE, COM, OPC, External Communicator, Web service). |